Hilary Porado Plein Air Painted from the Kayak
Hilary Porado
Oil Paintings
Hilary Porado
Oil Paintings
Hilary Porado
Oil Paintings
Hilary Porado
Oil Paintings
Hilary Porado a étudié les méthodes de Charles-François Daubigny(1817-1878) et Claude Monet (1840-1926)qui peignaient des bateaux.
Hilary has studied the methods of Charles- Francois Daubigny and Claude Monet who painted from boats.
Hilary Porado a étudié les méthodes de Charles-François Daubigny(1817-1878) et Claude Monet (1840-1926)qui peignaient des bateaux.
Hilary has studied the methods of Charles- Francois Daubigny and Claude Monet who painted from boats.

The Cardinal and the Admiral
Oil painting on canvas panel,
11 x 14 inches

oil on canvas panel,16 x 12 inches.
available framed or unframed
Private collection
Spring Carpet
SOLD oil on canvas
16 x 20 inches.

Windy Day
oil on canvas
30 x 60 x 1.5 inches
click on image
oil canvas,
22 x 18.5 inches

The Last Hurrah
oil on canvas
30 x 60 inches
Summer by the Lake
oil on canvas
16 x 34 inches.

Summer Swans
acrylic on canvas
28 x 22 inches Not for Sale

Grenadier Pond
oil on canvas
24 x 32 inches
SOLD Oil on canvas board
16 x 20 inches

Roses by the Shore

Bounce, oil on canvas board 20 x 16 inches.
oil on canvas board painting custom made to fit a blue frame measuring 19 x 24 inches.

acrylic on canvas board
16 x 20 inches
By the Sea
oil on canvas
19.5 x 27.5 inches

acrylic on canvas
20 x 16 inches. Click on image.
Garden Hedge
oil painting on plastic canvas over wood
is 20 x 16 x 1.5 inches.

Color Field
Oil on canvas
36 x 36 x 1.6 inches

Morning on the Queensway
acrylic on hand stretched canvas
36 x 48 x 1.75 inches.
New in 2024 By the Elm
oil on canvas
23.6 x 31.5 inches.

Swans on Ice
oil on canvas panel
11 x 14 inches.
Skier with New Snow and Go Train
oil on canvas panel 11 x 14 inches

Ski de Fond is oil on wood panel, framed, 11 3/4 x 26 1/2 inches.
Hydrangea, Lily, Lily, Cat
oil on canvas panel painting is 20 x 16 inches.

Seven Swans and a Cargo Ship, 2023
oil painting on canvas is 23.6 x 31.5 inches.

acrylic on canvas panel, 20 x 16 inches.
Lilies acrylic on canvas painting is16 x 20 inches.

Blazing Stars acrylic on canvas is 16 x 20 inches.
Lilies and Eucalyptus
acrylic on canvas panel 20 x 16 inches

Pond and Lake, oil on canvas panel,
16 x 20 inches.
Group of Six oil on canvas is16 x 20 x 1.5 inches.

The Four
acrylic on canvas panel 16 x 20 inches
The Afghan Carpet
16 x 20 inches
In a private collection

Swans,Branches and Berries, oil on canvas 20x16 inches
Ducks on a Nest from a distance
acrylic on canvas panel 16 x 20 inches.

At Home
oil on canvas panel 20 x 24 inches
Monarchs in Motion, oil on canvas panel

Swansea, 20 x 16 inches, oil on canvas, available framed or unframed
Island Nest
acrylic on canvas panel 20 x 24 inches.

Afternoon at the Lake
oil on canvas panel 16 x 20 inches
available framed or unframed

By the Birch, 20 x 16 inches, oil on canvas panel, available framed
Swans and Cygnet
acrylic on canvas panel 16 x 20 inches.
available framed or unframed

Cherry Blossoms
oil on canvas
Watch Out for Beavers,
acrylic on canvas
about 30 x 24 inches

Swan on the nest from a distance
Muskrat and Red-winged Blackbirds
oil on canvas panel 16 x 20 inches.

Ducks on a Nest
Resting in the Snow
oil on canvas

Seven Trumpeters
oil on canvas
By the Woods
oil on canvas
16 x 20 x 1.5 inches

Spring Beauty
oil on canvas
16 x 20 inches
Geese at Windermere,
acrylic on canvas
40 x 32 x 1.5 inches

Trolley in the Snow
oil on canvas
8 x 8 x 1.5 inches
Swans with Seven Cygnets
oil on canvas panel
16 x 20 inches